
The courses I have taught and the sessional courses I have been involved in while teaching at CSE, BUET

Theory Courses Taught

  1. Structured Programming Language (CSE 101 - July 2022):

    • The basics of pointers, function pointers, logical bit operations, enum, structure, bit field structure, union, etc. (in C programming language)
  2. Data Structures and Algorithms II (CSE 207 - January 2023, July 2023):

    • Amortized analysis, advanced data structures (Fibonacci Heap, Binomial Heap, Hash Table), intractability topics i.e NP-completeness, Special Case Algorithms, Exponential Algorithms (Backtracking, Branch and Bound), Approximation Algorithms
  3. Computer Architecture (CSE 209 - January 2024):

    • Memory Hierarchies and Caches, SIMD Processors, GPU Architectures

Sessional Courses Involved

  1. Computer Security Sessional (CSE 406 - January 2023, July 2023, January 2024 - special):

    • Implementation of cryptography algorithms, Buffer Overflow Attack implementation, Malware implementation, XSS attack implementation, Website Fingerprinting side channel attack implementation, Firewall rules, Use cases of many open source security tools.
  2. Computer Architecture Sessional (CSE 210 - January 2024):

    • Hardware Implementation of Arithmetic Logic Unit, Software Implementation of Floating Point Addition, Software implementation of 16 bits MIPS processor
  3. Computer Networks Sessional (CSE 322 - January 2024):

    • Designing Network Architecture using Packet Tracer, use case of Wireshark, and Implementation of server and client using Socket programming, various network use cases using NS3, Congestion Control Algorithm, Data Link Layer, etc.
  4. Operating System Sessional (CSE 314 - January 2024):

    • Shell scripting, Understanding XV6 learning Linux operating system, and adding many features, i.e. new system calls, scheduling, threading, inter-process communication, memory management, etc.
  5. Data Structure and Algorithm I Sessional (CSE 106 - January 2023):

    • Implementation of stack, queue, priority queue, binary heap, DP algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms, greedy algorithms, etc.
  6. Data Structure and Algorithm II Sessional (CSE 208):

    • Basic Graph Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Tree, Single Source Shortest Path Algorithms, All pair shortest path algorithms, Max flow algorithms, AVL Tree, Red Black Tree, Fibonacci Heap, Binomial Heap, Hashing, Approximation Algorithm, Branch and Bound Algorithm
  7. Digital Logic Design Sessional (CSE 205 - July 2022):

    • Hardware Implementation of Digital Circuit, Adder, Mux, Shift Registers, Counters